The Coup d’état is Escalating. Democrats never let an opportunity that damage communities go to waste. Democrats manufactured an Uprising in midst of Protesters genuine response to the death of George Floyd. The Democrat Party has decided that the only way to affect the Gains of POTUS is to ruin the Economy and probably Country. Election 2020 will perish the thought and extinguish negative fervor.

The Democrat Governors and Mayors are in support of Subversive Elements. Some have taken the position that it does not matter if you kill Americans to win Election 2020. Democrat Governors and Mayors have forgotten who pay the Fees, Taxes, and their Salary. Law-abiding citizens will continue to relocate and leave Cities in ruin.

There is a desire to destroy what the Founding Fathers created. The Founding Fathers created a Republic. Subversive elements in the Democrat Party are trying to change Country. Members of the Democrat Party know the funding source of the Subversive Elements. Recent comments by Secretary of Defense are not helpful. The comments were consistent with Insubordination. A change in Secretary of Defense is necessary sooner than later. Country has an upcoming engagement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Country cannot afford our Military compromised. The Secretary of Defense must go. Removal of the Secretary of Defense will be bad optics but action delayed is resolution denied.

POTUS is the best since Dwight D. Eisenhower. A Republican President with Democrat Governors and Mayors is a bad mix. Voters are not exercising good judgment when casting Ballots. Voters need to know that Governors have more influence or adverse effect on their lives. Mayors might not have much of an impact but sometimes they can, such as raising Taxes on your House or Defunding the Police Department. Defunding Police Departments is a Lunatic idea with Grave consequences. Defunding Police Departments will hurt communities promoting that novel idea. It is obvious that Democrats spend most of their time trying to concoct ways to ruin country. Voters need to know that Empires Die from within.

Here is an example of a Governors impact. Constituents fell out of Love with Senator Lowell Weicker of Connecticut. They refused to send him back to Washington DC and voted him out of office. In essence, they had a Political Divorce. In the upcoming Gubernatorial Election, the Dim Wits voted him in as Governor. Governor Weicker established the FIRST State Income Tax in Connecticut and promised the Citizens it was Temporary. State Income Tax in Connecticut still exists, so much for temporary.

Protests resulting from the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis are justified. A criminal Police Officer, in a manner consistent with Murder–Zero (0) murdered George Floyd. George Floyd created a counterfeit $20 bill. The forgery discovered and Police notified. George Floyd was arrested and handcuffed. There was no need for restraint and therefore George Floyd should not have been on the pavement. Beyond Apparent, thinks this action was a display of malice and contempt by Derek Chauvin towards George Floyd. Both men worked in the same Security circle. They knew each other. Something negative happened before that date.

Riots, looting, and destroying property are not justified. Not standing for the Flag is wrong. All athletes need to remember that the Flag is the reason you make Millions of dollars playing with a Ball or Puck. Which came first, the Flag or Millions of dollars? If you fail to stand for the Flag owners will talk to you because Fans and Advertisers will. If there are no Fans and Advertisers then you get no Millions.

Democrats with illusions of winning the 2020 Presidential Election should note that the Results are in, NO VOTING REQUIRED. Commence mourning the defeat. POTUS has already signed another Four Year Lease on the White House. Country has unfinished Business and the Voters determined he is the best Person. For too long Country went in the wrong direction. Now it is time to change course. The Election will be a Landslide victory like Reagan and over before, night begins on the “Coast”.

We the People are cognizant that Political Elements, Hypocrites, and Parasites refuse to accept the message consistent with the Results of the 2016 Presidential Election. To which End we will demonstrate and Deliver the same message once again on November 3, 2020.

Verbiage by members of the previous Administration is just that. Lofty speeches cannot put a Turkey in the oven. Politicians losing their bearings cannot govern in this Era. A review of History shows said Politicians exhibited incompetence. After Fifty years of giving nothing to the Black Community, suddenly the Democrat Party nominee for President is having an epiphany that he can. If you are Black and still think the Democrat Party nominee for President can help you then good luck.

We expect that members of the Coup d’état will have Relocated Physically or spiritually before then but in the event they are glutton for Punishment we will show them up close and Personal. The intent of our Vote for POTUS will be to remedy the affront and atrocities committed by the previous Administration with respect to our Preferred Domestic and International Policies. Consistent with our VOTE our EXPECTATIONS are that Manufacturing, Intellectual Prowess, and Ingenuity will return to Country, starting right now.


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