EVIL is on the Left and GOOD is on the Right. Let the Campaign begin. REPUBLICANS need to support POTUS and get more Fire in the belly. Republicans who ran for President in the past and lost, POTUS is leading; you Follow or get out of the Way. To my fellow Americans, a vote for POTUS is a VOTE FOR YOU. A vote for anyone else is a VOTE against you.

Some of us can walk in a kitchen with an electric stove in darkness, and tell a burner is on without touching. Others have to touch the burner to determine it is on. Voting for POTUS means you can tell the stove is on in the dark. Voting for anyone else, means you cannot tell the stove is on until you are cooked.

The sides of the Trojan horse are bare and the occupants are dangerous. Their verbiage is scary. Billionaires are leaving New York because of an idiotic member of the House of Representative. My fellow Americans are packing and leaving cities that will some day be in ruins.

The Democrats Presidential team is offering Transformation of Country. Not sure, which fellow American requested a change from Capitalism. Immigrants are not coming to our shores seeking transformation. Immigrants like the parents of the Democrats Vice-Presidential candidate, came here for Capitalism not Marxism.

The Democrat Party has made it easy for voters to make the right decision on November 3, 2020. If you love Country, the way of Life, and understand the reason why Immigrants come to our shores in droves, then you vote for POTUS. Any other vote will be silly, uncivilized, and unpatriotic. Simultaneously it is necessary to make sure Immigrants are here to assimilate, not segregate, and participate in destructive events. Those not liking Country should leave.

The Presidential Election of 2020 will be a referendum on the Republic. In this Republic, Anti- Americanism or disrespecting the “Will of the People” is mere thought. Think of it often but do it never. It is better to die for a Cause than Live for Nothing. Black America will support POTUS in 2020.

Voters who are Darker than Blue and easily persuaded to vote for Democrats of a lighter hue, it is time to Wake up and Live. Blacks voting for Democrats should review Political Party Legacy. Social Media including Google has been writing Revisionist History. Your search for information is compromised or missing. Republican Party Politicians, it is time to schedule Town Halls in support of POTUS. Now is the time to Preserve and Defend the Constitution and Republic.

The Republican Party is alive and well. The focus is Votes not Polls. That Democrats are leading in the Polls is fictitious. The Media is disseminating Poll Propaganda. The Media hope those accustom to promise of useless Programs by the Democrat Party will blink long enough and vote for the Democrat Party Ticket. The choice could not be clearer. POTUS is your only choice forward.

November 3, 2020 Presidential Election is about Message not Money. It is about Moving Forward. It is NOT about returning to incompetent policies exhibited by the Administration of 2008 – 2016. The Republican Party should care less about claims of donations collected. That claim by the Democrat Party is fictitious. It is as phony as the WHO or claims of benefits to the Neighborhood from ill-conceived Programs since 1960. Money does not vote. The Electorate falls prey to that nebulous utterance every Election but not this time. Equally false is the phrase Main Stream Media. Who or what is Main Stream. Main Stream in what Country, State, or Town.

Blaming POTUS for the Pandemic is a falsification of the Facts. COVID-19 was intentional. Country was the only target of COVID-19. That other Nations became infected was a decoy. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives or volunteers travelled to other Countries but there destination was Country. They flew into other Countries and then took immediate Transfer to Country.

Democrats have taken the position that it does not matter if you kill Americans to win Election 2020. Democrats are determined to win at any cost.  The CCP is counting on Democrats and that is why there was no mention of China during the Democrat Presidential Convention. There is a desire to destroy what the Founding Fathers created. The Founding Fathers created a Republic. Subversive elements in the Democrat Party are trying to change Country. There is Treason here. More treason than the phony story concocted to Impeach POTUS.

Subversive elements in the Democrat Party has decided that if you cannot kill American Citizens with a Virus, then do so by destroying the Economy, their Livelihood, and Life. The more Americans you kill, the less Republicans alive to vote. Racking up Positive Cases of COVID-19 seems like participation by the Medical Community. Democrats believe they can win Election 2020 with that strategy, combined with fictitious Mail-In Ballots. Democrats believe that some Americans exhibit a lack of ability to think and will do as they are told. If you are still undecided who to vote for in Presidential Election 2020 then they maybe right about you.

The current level of violence in Country was planned. This planned insurrection began after the results of Election 2016. There is a Shadow Government. This Shadow Government is orchestrating disruption and Insurrection. Members of the Previous Administration are involved as well as members of the Rogue Democrat Party. Their subtle slogan is “Keep fighting for Change”. The Change has nothing to do with Race. The change is about Country. My fellow Americans, a vote for POTUS is a VOTE FOR YOU. A vote for anyone else is a VOTE against you. REPUBLICANS need to support POTUS and get more Fire in the belly.


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DEMOCRATS are on the Left and REPUBLICANS are on the Right. Let the Campaign begin. REPUBLICANS need to support POTUS and get more Fire in the belly. Republican Senators, who wish to be President, should ditch the Thought, and support POTUS. To Republicans who ran for President and lost, POTUS is leading; you Follow or get out of the Way. To all Citizens, a vote for POTUS is a VOTE FOR YOU. A vote for anyone else is a VOTE against you. The Democrats have assembled their Presidential team, a hilarious couple.

The Democrat Party is not the entity Jefferson created. The Democrat Party has transformed to a rag tag bunch and poor excuse for a Political Party. The Democrat Party now embraces Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Leninism. Its members are not sure what their Political philosophy is anymore. They should change their name to perhaps Anarchists for Hire. The sides of the Trojan horse are bare and the occupants are dangerous. Their verbiage is scary. Billionaires are leaving New York because of an idiotic Representative in the House of Congress. My fellow Americans are packing and leaving cities that will some day be in ruins.

The Democrats Presidential team is offering Transformation of Country. Not sure, which fellow American requested a change from Capitalism. Immigrants are not coming to our shores seeking transformation. The Democrat Party has made it easy for voters to make the right decision on November 3, 2020. If you love Country, the way of Life, and understand the reason why Immigrants come to our shores in droves, then you vote for POTUS. Any other vote will be uncivilized and unpatriotic. Simultaneously it is necessary to make sure Immigrants are here to assimilate, not segregate, and participate in destructive events. Those not liking Country should leave.

The Presidential Election in 2020 will be a referendum on the Republic. There have been several defining moments for the Republic. Most recently, Collusion 2016. Election 2020 will be one. Benjamin Franklin told the people, we have given you a Republic. Trying to overturn Electoral Decisions only happens in the “Bush League”. In this Republic, Anti- Americanism or disrespecting the “Will of the People” is mere thought. Think of it often but do it never. It is better to die for a Cause than Live for Nothing. Black America will support POTUS in 2020.

Voters who are Darker than Blue and easily persuaded to vote for Democrats of a lighter hue, it is time to Wake up and Live. Blacks voting for Democrats should review Political Party Legacy. Social Media including Google has been writing Revisionist History. Your search for information is compromised or missing. Republican Party Politicians, it is time to schedule Town Halls in support of POTUS. Now is the time to Preserve and Defend the Constitution and Republic.

The Republican Party is alive and well. The focus is Votes not Polls. The Media is disseminating Poll Propaganda. The Media hope those accustom to promise of useless Programs by the Democrat Party will blink long enough and vote for the Democrat Party Ticket. The choice could not be clearer. POTUS is your only choice forward.

November 3, 2020 Presidential Election is about Message not Money. It is about Moving Forward. It is NOT about returning to the incompetent policies exhibited by the Administration of 2008 – 2016. The Republican Party should care less about claims of donations collected. That claim by the Democrat Party is fictitious. It is as phony as the WHO or claims of benefits to the Neighborhood from ill-conceived Programs since 1960. Money does not vote and sadly, the Electorate falls prey to that nebulous utterance every Election. Equally false is the phrase Main Stream Media. Who or what is Main Stream? Main Stream in what Country, State, or Town.

Blaming POTUS for the Pandemic is a falsification of the Facts. COVID-19 was intentional. Country was the only target of COVID-19. That other Nations became infected was a decoy. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives or volunteers travelled to other Countries but there destination was the USA. They flew into other Countries and then took immediate Transfer to the USA.

Democrats have taken the position that it does not matter if you kill Americans to win Election 2020. Democrats are determined to win at any cost.  The CCP is counting on them. There is a desire to destroy what the Founding Fathers created. The Founding Fathers created a Republic. Subversive elements in the Democrat Party are trying to change Country. There is Treason here. More treason than the phony story concocted to Impeach POTUS.

Subversive elements in the Democrat Party has decided that if you cannot kill American Citizens with a Virus, then do so by destroying the Economy, their Livelihood, and Life. The more Americans you kill, the less Republicans alive to vote. Racking up Positive Cases of COVID-19 seems like participation by the Medical Community. Democrats believe they can win Election 2020 with that strategy, combined with fictitious Mail-In Ballots. Democrats believe that some Americans exhibit a lack of ability to think and will do as they are told. Sadly, if you are still undecided who to vote for in Presidential Election 2020 then they maybe right about you.

Fortunately, that will not happen. Any attempt to Sabotage the voting by the losers of the Democrat Party will be met with swift lethal action. Traitors beware!!!

The Democrat Party is not the Black Community conduit or path to solutions but POTUS is. The situations and conditions that affect the Neighborhood will not leave via the assistance of the Democrat Party. The only thing leaving the Hood from the assistance of the Democrat Party, are the presumed Senators and Representatives. The Democrat Party added insult to injury with the installation of the previous Administration. The current Democrat Party Presidential candidate led the previous Administration. Between the Democrat Party Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate there are Thousands of Black Men in Prisons resulting from the implementation of their “get tough on crime policies”. The previous Administration was ineffective. What was accomplished was not meaningful and what would have been meaningful was not accomplished.

For too long the Black community placed their eggs in the basket of the Democrat Party. They waited decades for the chickens to hatch. Those who thought the ideology of the Democrat Party would bring forth progress and salvation have realized they were WRONG. In 2008 – 2016, there was a Democrat Party administration in the White House and the Black Community received nothing. Chicago and other inner city neighborhoods are war zones. Chicago looks worse than it did in 2008. Sadly, some Blacks still believe the Myth. They are blinded by the Light or believe 2020 is the Year of Insurrection. Read my Lips, it is not.

BLM, alias-Black Lives Matter is a phony entity. The movement has nothing to do with Police misconduct or brutality towards Blacks in Country. The movement has nothing to do with the death of George Floyd. BLM, alias Black Lives Matter will destroy the Black Community if not stopped. The destruction will reduce the Black Community to a status far worse than the Jim Crow era.

Democrat politicians accepting donations from BLM indicates a lack of genuine care for the Black Community. Athletes who kneel in support of BLM exhibit their Lack of Intelligence. Remnants of the Civil Rights Movement are gravitating to the BLM façade to fill their pockets with 30 Pieces of Silver. Those associated with the Movement are Mules who will have more of a challenge with Marxism than they do with Capitalism. That Blacks associate with the movement is a display of ignorance. Non-Blacks who associate with the movement are equally ignorant and exhibit extreme Guilt.

What is being called Protest is INSURRECTION. Referring to conditions on the Ground where Babies are killed in strollers as Protests is an act of Denial. The Black community participation in the BLM façade is a result of neglect by the Democrat Party Administration of 2008 to 2016. Blacks are yearning for Economic attention. They did not receive Gifts promised by the Democrat Party Administration of 2008 to 2016. The Democrat Party promised them something for nothing but instead the Black Community gave SOMETHING and received NOTHING. They gave the Democrat Party their Votes and received no ECONOMIC ATTENTION.

The current level of violence in Country was planned. This planned insurrection began after the results of Election 2016. There is a Shadow Government. This Shadow Government is orchestrating disruption and Insurrection. Members of the Previous Administration are involved as well as members of the Rogue Democrat Party. Their subtle slogan is “Keep fighting for Change”. The Change has nothing to do with Race. The change is about Country. To all Citizens, a vote for POTUS is a VOTE FOR YOU. A vote for anyone else is a VOTE against you.



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Country  Country  Country




BLM, alias-Black Lives Matter is a phony entity. The movement has nothing to do with Police misconduct or brutality towards Blacks in Country. The movement has nothing to do with the death of George Floyd. BLM, alias Black Lives Matter will destroy the Black Community if not stopped immediately. The destruction will reduce the Black Community to a status far worse than the Jim Crow era.

That Democrat politicians accept donations from BLM indicates a lack of genuine care for the Black Community. Athletes who kneel in support of BLM exhibit their Lack of Intelligence. Remnants of the Civil Rights Movement Leadership are gravitating to the BLM façade to fill their pockets with 30 Pieces of Silver. Those associated with the Movement are Mules who will have more of a challenge with Marxism than they do with Capitalism. That Blacks associate with the movement is a display of ignorance. Non-Blacks who associate with the movement are equally ignorant and exhibit extreme Guilt.

What is called Protest is INSURRECTION – 2020. Referring to condition on the Ground where Babies are being killed in strollers as Protests is an act of Denial. The Black community participation in the BLM façade is a result of neglect by the Democrat Party Administration of 2008 to 2016. Blacks are yearning for Economic attention. They did not receive Gifts promised by the Democrat Party Administration of 2008 to 2016. The Democrat Party promised them something for nothing but instead the Black Community gave SOMETHING and received NOTHING. They gave the Democrat Party their Votes and received no ECONOMIC ATTENTION.

The current level of violence in Country was planned. This planned insurrection began after the results of Election 2016. There is a Shadow Government. This Shadow Government is orchestrating disruption and Insurrection. Members of the Previous Administration are involved as well as members of the Rogue Democrat Party. Their subtle slogan is “Keep fighting for Change”. The Change has nothing to do with Race. The change they are talking about is Country.

The Coup d’état has become violent. Coup d’état never remain Verbal. Elements of the Medical Community are aligned with the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has decided that the only way to affect the Gains of POTUS is to ruin the Economy and you. COVID-19 is a gift in that effort and is intentional. Some have taken the position that it does not matter if you kill Americans to win Election 2020. There is a desire to destroy what the Founding Fathers created. The Founding Fathers created a Republic. Subversive elements in the Democrat Party are trying to change Country.

Subversive elements in the Democrat Party has decided that if you cannot kill American Citizens with a Virus, then do so by destroying the Economy, their Livelihood, and Life. The more Americans you kill, the less Republicans alive to vote. Democrats believe they can win Election 2020 with that strategy, combined with fictitious Mail-In Ballots. Democrats believe that some Americans exhibit a lack of ability to think and will do what they are told. Observation of Democrat Governors terrorizing citizens, indicate a lack of thought by the electorate of those States. I discerned no reason for electing those persons as Governors. I hope citizen in those States will not repeat said action. The Electorate of Washington, Michigan, New York, Washington, and South Carolina should Recall Governors.

The Democrat Party is not the Black Community conduit or path to solutions. The situations and conditions that affect the Neighborhood will not leave via the assistance of the Democrat Party. The only thing leaving the Hood from the assistance of the Democrat Party, are the presumed Senators and Representatives. The Democrat Party added insult to injury with the installation of the previous Administration. The previous Administration was ineffective. What was accomplished was not meaningful and what would have been meaningful was not accomplished.

For too long the Black community placed their eggs in the basket of the Democrat Party. They waited decades for the chickens to hatch. Those who thought the ideology of the Democrat Party would bring forth progress and salvation have realized they were WRONG. In 2008 – 2016, there was a Democrat Party administration in the White House and the Black Community received nothing. Chicago and other inner city neighborhoods are war zones. Chicago looks worse than it did in 2008. Sadly, some Blacks still believe the Myth. They are blinded by the Light or believe 2020 is the Year of Insurrection. Read my Lips, it is not.

Beyond Insurrection is Civil War. Democrat Governors, Mayors, members of the House of Congress, Senators, and the Shadow Government are trying to promote a Civil War but they will not if POTUS take action. When he does, he will WIN.

Voters who are Darker than Blue and easily persuaded to vote for Democrats of a lighter hue, it is time to Wake up and Live. Blacks voting for Democrats should review Political Party Legacy. Social Media including Google has been writing Revisionist History. Your search for information is compromised or missing. Thank God for the Library. Republican Politicians had better hurry and draft Legislation to protect our Libraries. Google’s effort to convert our Books to Electronic medium is to change, revise, or delete History. Republican Politicians, it is time schedule Town Halls in support of POTUS. Now is the time to Preserve and Defend the Constitution and Republic.

The Republican Party is alive and well. The focus is Votes not Polls. The Media is disseminating Poll Propaganda. Excepting FOX there is nothing mainstream about the media. Side Stream Media hope those accustom to useless Programs by the Democrat Party will blink long enough and vote for the Democrats. The choice could not be clearer. POTUS is your only choice forward.

The Democrat Party has made it easy for voters to make the right decision in the November 3, 2020 Election. If you love Country, the way of Life, and understand the reason, why Immigrants come to our shores in droves then you vote for POTUS. Any other vote will be uncivilized and unpatriotic. Simultaneously it is necessary to make sure Immigrants are here to assimilate, not segregate, and participate in destructive events. Those not liking Country should leave.

We the People are cognizant that Subversive Elements, Hypocrites, Parasites, and Heathens refuse to accept the message consistent with the Results of the 2016 Presidential Election. We realize that the Voting Houses will have to be protected. We will demonstrate and Deliver the same message again on November 3, 2020. Recent comments by Kanye West will be more valuable if he publicly support POTUS and enlighten members of the Hood.

November 3, 2020 Presidential Election is about Message not Money. It is about Moving Forward. It is NOT about returning to the incompetent policies exhibited by the Administration of 2008 – 2016. The Republican Party should not care about claims of money collected. That claim by the Democrat Party is fictitious. It is as phony as the WHO or claims of benefits to the Neighborhood from ill-conceived Programs since 1960. It is time to GET REAL and Move Forward.




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