Now that we have forgiven the Medical Community for ineptitude and incompetence, let us move forward and Reopen Country. We cannot allow the Medical community to run the Economy. The Medical community has enough on their calendar. While impressed with their ability to bounce back and look good doing it, they should have been ahead of the curve and not behind the Eight Ball. Changing the Messenger was the Right thing. Even if Country is Eighteen (18) Months away from a Vaccine, do not convey that message. My Mentor would have said Months and leave it there. Thank you Dr. Birx – Lights, Camera, Action with compassion but no Doom and Gloom.

The Medical Community should be ashamed. After SARS, one would think that the Medical Community would have been better prepared. Whatever happened to “What If”? Where is the forward thinking? The notion that persons 65 and older are vulnerable to COVID-19 is a Knee Jerk reaction. Persons 65 and older are vulnerable to everything if they are not careful. That is a subtle attack on POTUS, and they thought we would not realize. The Group Quarantine practice is suspicious but the Family Quarantine is of benefit and supports togetherness.

Leaders of some Countries are focusing on COVID-19 and less concerned about feeding People. Said Countries run the risk of Killing people from hunger while trying to stay alive fighting COVID-19. It is also apparent that there might be erroneous diagnoses of Patients as having contracted COVID-19 when they possibly died from other Medical illness. The Group Quarantine practice is suspicious. Does that not affect their ability to recuperate?  Why not let them Self Quarantine.

There is lots of talk about Interesting Times and New Normal but those Proclamations will be short lived. That utterance is simply someone or group trying to push a narrative. Americans will not give up Civil Liberties. What was Normal yesterday is the STANDARD. As for Interesting Times, that depends on your definition. World War II was interesting times, even though most of us were not alive. Social Distancing will be worthwhile keeping. Those of us with pedigree are tired of people intruding in our space. It is time for POTUS to let the Vice President Take center stage in the Briefings.

What is interesting, is Country will reopen significantly about May 4, 2020. Never in our wildest dreams did Country imagine REOPENING not to mention CLOSING. One has seen Las Vegas closed down but never any thought of the same happening in entire Country. COVID-19 is a sinister attempt to thwart the considerable Gains of the Administration and exhibit malice in reaction to Tariffs. While there is no evidence of Political chicanery yet, that probability is being considered.

Democrats never let an opportunity go to waste and are using the occasion to give benefits to their Friends. If you expected benefits and did not receive in a timely manner, then you are not a Friend. Could there be Collusion between the Democrats and the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Chinese Communist Party? If Collusion is proven then COVID-19 might be more deliberate than accident. Why contaminate the world to hurt POTUS and the Economy. That is the equivalent of throwing the Baby out with the Bath water. Regardless Country and the World will survive.

The Democrat Party cannot do any better than POTUS with this issue. None of the 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates can articulate a resolution. Incidentally, who is the Democrat Presidential candidate? The current contender is a Non-Starter and all the Names mentioned are unqualified. Who is the Democrat Vice-Presidential candidate? Perhaps, there is a woman behind the curtain waiting to declare at the Convention. The Democrat Party is more a problem than the solution. The Democrat Party is a problem for the future of Country.

To Democrats with illusions of winning the 2020 Presidential Election: The Results are in, NO VOTING REQUIRED. Commence mourning the defeat. POTUS already signed another Four Year Lease on the White House. Country has unfinished Business and the Voters determined he is the best Person. For too long Country went in the wrong direction. Now it is time to change course. The Election will be a Landslide victory like Reagan and over before, night begins on the “Coast”.

REOPENING Country is a good thing. This will end the Era of Governors bullying Citizens and making decisions above Pay Grade. Quarantining citizens might prove to have been unnecessary. Citizens expect Governors to participate in the resolution of COVID-19. In essence, Governors to do more than cutting ribbons, driving in Limousines, and flying around in Helicopters and Airplanes. Simultaneously, citizens have very little expectation that Governors can address Deficit and Debt affecting Local, and State governments. Individuals, Cities, States, Country, and the World are on a deficit to Debt path. POTUS was ahead of the curve to consider some form of amelioration. Unfortunately, COVID-19 arrived and those ideas are now on the shelf.

The impact of Deficit to Debt on individuals is a bottomless pit of continued high unemployment, Foreclosures, astronomical credit card debt, and the increasing inability to afford necessities. At the same time, Local and State governments are increasing Taxes but reducing the quality of services and contribution to Education for legitimate Citizens. States that are in the Declared Debt category are CT, NY, OH, and CA. Others will declare soon. Some States are hoping to reduce Debt with money from the Economic Assistance Package or Rescue Bill.  States in Debt should not be bailed out.

Reopening Country is the Right thing to do. Let us move forward and restart the Economy. Country needs to get “Main Street” back to work. COVID-19 has exposed a major flaw in the Supply Chain. Relying on Basic Supplies from other countries is a Dangerous position. How do you go from “Made in the USA” to “Receivership by the USA”? A World with the expectation that one Country is the Major or only Supplier is Dysfunctional. It took one day after the raid on Grocery stores and hoarding of water, Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and other Basics, to create a noticeable shortage of said products on the Shelves. That is a serious matter with many Red Flags.

Raiding Grocery stores is consistent with Scavenging and behavior that only Neanderthals engage in. Is COVID-19 what it takes to remind people to drink water, use Paper Towel, and Toilet Paper? Raiding Grocery stores to Purchase water and emptying the shelves of Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and other Basics is unacceptable. Unless you plan to drink warm or hot water, it is of no more value than it was yesterday. The Virus likes Cold environment inclusive of cold water. Actually, your fellow American is raiding Grocery stores to hoard the basics and sell it for a Profit. That is not neighborly.

Richard Nixon went to China to find Markets for Manufacturers. His intention was “Made in the USA”. While some Manufacturing was expected to be in China, one does not recall that all would be. Why not have a Plant in China and one in Country to supply local needs. It is that simple. What is the Logic behind moving all operations to Asia, closing Plants in the USA, displacing workers, and then sending finished Goods to Country for Sale? Where will displaced workers get money to Purchase said merchandise. If entire companies and operations moved to China, then provide financial support to Entrepreneurs to establish said Industries in Country. There are many Citizens with Knowledgebase and Skills to Produce said Merchandise in Country.

The supply chain Debacle will be resolved.  It is time to go back to work but be on the Lookout for any resurgence of cases related to COVID-19. People start your engines. Man was not created to live in a Test Tube and if you were, you probably would not live longer.

POTUS did the right thing in stopping Airline Traffic from China and soon there will be other Countries. We in Country need to figure out why so many masked individuals arriving from Asia or China. Contrary to current belief, if you are wearing a Mask, you have some medical issue a Doctor considers contagious. Wearing a Mask is “to prevent spread or transmission”. Wearing a Mask does not prevent you the “MASKED PEDESTRIAN” from contracting COVID-19 or any other Virus.

Given the amount of Masked Traffic, “COVID-19” might have been in Country longer and from locations other than the narrative reported. There might be other viruses that to date remain undetected. Country has no choice but to screen all “Masked Migrants”. They should be screened at point of origin. Prior to Year 2000 one would not be allowed in Country if Mask was a mandatory part of their attire.

COVID-19 temporarily damaged to the Airline Industry. Those who Travel domestically or internationally are tremendously impacted. Countries that are recipients of International Travel are experiencing serious Economic downturn. The Airline Industry inclusive of Airplane manufacturers is struggling. This Industry needs Disaster Recovery. There is very little to stimulate just a whole lot to Recover or Rebuild. Democrats got it wrong again. They are stuck on the so-called “Stimulus Bill” that did nothing for the Economy during the previous Administration.

Before any talk of a fourth Economic Assistance Package or Rescue Bill, Republicans in the Senate and the House should consider supporting a Line Item Veto. POTUS should have powers to use a Line Item Veto to construct the Final Bill. What is a Line Item Veto? It means POTUS has the right to review each section of the Bill and make a determination on relevance to the Goals and Objective. If the item is not relevant, remove it. To be honest this might be something the Founding Fathers overlooked. If there was a Line Item Veto, it is unlikely we would have Deficits and Debt. In addition, a Bill on this Subject should not be more than 10 Pages. Who has time to read 1000 Pages? A Bill on 1000 Pages is ridiculous at best. In fact, it might have residence in the sublime.


Telegram Today

Country  Country  Country


The Medical Community should be ashamed. From Maine to Washington, the Medical Community should be ashamed. After SARS, one would think that the Medical Community would have been better prepared. Whatever happened to “What If”? While impressed by their ability to bounce back and look good doing it they should have been ahead of the curve and not behind the Eight Ball. Changing the Messenger was the Right thing to do. Even if Country is Eighteen (18) Months away from a Vaccine, do not tell People that. My Mentor would have said Months and leave it there. Thank you Dr. Birx – Lights, Camera, Action with compassion but no Doom and Gloom.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a phony entity. Country should not rely on their data or commentary and should stop making monetary contribution to the organization. Consistent with that the United Nations (UN) has outlived its usefulness. The United Nations in its current form is not what Woodrow Wilson had in mind. The UN charter was to mediate International disputes not meddle in the Internal Affairs of Countries as in the organization response to issues pertaining to Israel and the Philippines. The Leader of the Philippines has the right to conduct a war on Drugs.

Whatever COVID-19 Virus is, it was further along than the Narrative indicating. Corona Virus is a known organism. The COVID-19 strain is new. However, it is difficult to believe that people ate Animals from the wild and a Virus developed exuding from Nose, Mouth, or Pores of the skin. The result, a contagion affecting other Humans causing infection and exhibiting Flu like symptoms transmitted from person to person and Country to Country.

What is more believable is there have been many failed experiments contributing to the apparently endless germination of Corona Viruses. There is an aura of Biological warfare. It might also be a sinister attempt to thwart the considerable Gains of the Administration and exhibit malice in reaction to Tariffs. Regardless I am confident that Country and the World will survive.

What is the True origin of COVID-19? When, where, and how did it originate? When, where, and how did it get to Country? Seems to me all are unanswered questions. The suppositions are varied and span the gamut of the following.

  • Virus migrated near and far on its own
  • Virus was Aerosolized and sprayed into the atmosphere
  • Virus was Aerosolized and Shipped to all Continents and then enabled at Destinations
  • Virus was introduced to Migrants who then Travelled to Countries and enabled contamination at destinations.

One thing is certain, the initial narrative seems more contrived than real. How many strains of COVID-19 exist? It is unlikely anyone knows and any attempt to quantify will be a justifiable effort to prevent Corona Virus Hysteria. Canceling Games and Events might prove to have been unnecessary and overreacting. However, a Corona Virus ruckus is not helpful.

The Democrat Party cannot do any better than POTUS with this issue. None of the 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates can articulate a resolution. Incidentally, who is the Democrat Presidential candidate? The current contender is a Non-Starter and all the Names mentioned are unqualified. Perhaps, there is a woman behind the curtain waiting to declare at the Convention. The Democrat Party is more a problem than the solution. The Democrat Party is a problem for the future of Country. It is time to review their Charter or Mission Statement.

Richard Nixon went to China to find Markets for Manufacturers. His intention was “Made in the USA”. While some Manufacturing was expected to be in China, one does not recall that all would be. In addition, why not have a Plant in China and one in Country to supply local needs. What is the Logic behind moving all operations to Asia, closing Plants in the USA, displacing workers, and then sending finished Goods to Country for Sale? Where will displaced workers get money to Purchase said merchandise. If entire companies and operations moved to China, then support Entrepreneurs to establish said Industries in Country. There are many more Citizens with Knowledgebase and Skills to Produce said Merchandise.

I think the Democrats got it wrong again or maybe for a fistful of Dollars they were persuaded to deviate from Nixon’s intent. When and how did China become The World Supplier? What if, Country is not cordial or having a quarrel with China? The Geneva Convention has no provision to prevent starvation or discomfort from lack of Supplies. Would you rather have Pollution and Supplies or No Pollution and No Supplies? People seem to be interested in cleaning up the Planet. That is a ridiculous concept. EARTH WAS HERE BEFORE YOU AND WILL BE HERE AFTER YOU. A World with the expectation of one Major Supplier or supplies coming from one grid is Dysfunctional, unless one wishes Grocery stores to look similar to those in undeveloped countries. That is a serious matter with many Red Flags.

Raiding Grocery stores is consistent with Scavenging and behavior that only Neanderthals engage in. Is COVID-19 what it takes to remind people to drink water, use Paper Towel, and Toilet Paper? Raiding Grocery stores to Purchase water and emptying the shelves of Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and other Basics is unacceptable. Unless you plan to drink warm or hot water, it is of no more value than it was yesterday. The Virus likes Cold environment inclusive of cold water. Actually, your fellow American is raiding Grocery stores to hoard the basics and sell it for a Profit. That is not neighborly.

What if COVID-19 is the result of a Failed Laboratory experiment. That would require looking “beyond the apparent” but required regarding this matter. The spread of “COVID-19” will have an impact on the Military and World Economy. Both are reasons to look closer at what is the True origin of COVID-19. When, where, and how did it originate? How do we prevent re-occurrence?

POTUS did the right thing in stopping Airline Traffic from China and soon there will be other Countries. We in Country need to figure out why so many masked individuals arriving from Asia or China. Contrary to current belief, if you are wearing a Mask, you have some medical issue a Doctor considers contagious. Wearing a Mask is “to prevent spread or transmission”. Wearing a Mask does not prevent you the “MASKED PEDESTRIAN” from contracting COVID-19 or any other Virus.

Given the amount of Masked Traffic, “COVID-19” might have been in Country longer and from locations other than the narrative reported. Country has no choice but to screen all “Masked Migrants”. In fact, they should be screened at point of origin. Prior to Year 2000 one would not be allowed in Country if a Mask was a mandatory part of their attire.

The rescheduling of the Summer Olympics in Japan is disappointing. However, unless the IOC could use the Sydney venue in Australia it had no choice. The IOC had to make a decision. There was no time to wait. Athletes had to make plans from preparedness to Travel. Quite candidly, some Individual Athletes or Teams would have cancelled participation. The Summer Olympics consistent with competing starts with and end with The Respiratory System – No breathing No running.

The significant Tragedy of COVID-19 Virus is the damage to the Airline Industry. Those who Travel domestically or internationally are tremendously impacted. Countries that are recipients of International Travel are experiencing serious Economic downturn. The Airline Industry inclusive of Airplane manufacturers is struggling. This Industry needs Disaster Recovery. There is no stimulus here. There is nothing to stimulate just a whole lot to Recover or Rebuild. Once more, the Democrats get it wrong. They are so stuck on the so-called “Stimulus Bill” that did nothing for the Economy during the previous Administration.

Before any talk of a fourth Economic Assistance Package or Rescue Bill, Republicans in the Senate and the House should consider supporting a Line Item Veto. POTUS should have powers to use a Line Item Veto to construct the Final Bill. What is the Line Item Veto? It means POTUS has the right to review each section of the Bill and make a determination on relevance to the Goals and Objective. If the item is not relevant, remove it. To be honest this might be something the Founding Fathers overlooked. If it was in the Constitution, it is unlikely we would have Deficits and Debt. In addition, a Bill on this Subject should not be more than 10 Pages. Who has time to read 1000 Pages? A Bill on 1000 Pages is ridiculous at best. In fact, it might have residence in the sublime.

Observation indicates that Leaders of some Countries are focusing on COVID-19 Virus and less concerned about feeding the People. That is a delicate balance and said Countries run the risk of Killing people from hunger while trying to stay alive fighting COVID-19 Virus. It is also apparent that there might be erroneous diagnoses of Patients as having contracted COVID-19 Virus when they are afflicted with some other Medical concern. What if Patients are dying from underlying conditions and not COVID-19 Virus? The Group Quarantine practice is suspicious. Why put sick people together. Does that not affect their ability to recuperate?  Why not let them Self Quarantine.


Telegram Today


All Elections in 2020 will be a referendum on the Republic. There have been several defining moments for the Republic. Election 2020 will be one. Benjamin Franklin told the people, we have given you a Republic. Trying to overturn Electoral Decisions only happens in the “Bush League”. In this Republic, Anti- Americanism or disrespecting the “Will of the People” is mere thought. Think of it often but do it never. It is better to die for a Cause than Live for Nothing. Black America will support POTUS in 2020.

In 2016, Registered Democrats who had not received any tangible benefit in years from the DEMOCRAT PARTY had an epiphany in the Voting Booth. It was time for a change. Promise of Change by the previous Administration was a Trick and no treats. For what does it profit one to gain the whole world and in the end lose his or her soul? Voters witnessed Politicians living big from their votes while they were still in pursuit with little hope of attaining. Nothing ventured, nothing gain. It was time to make a change. Black America will support POTUS in significant numbers in the 2020 Presidential Election.

In November 2020, voters will remind Democrats, that this is a Republic not a Democracy. Intellectuals may argue that we have a Republic with Democratic Ideals. Politicians could engage in that discussion but would conclude that we were not given a Democracy with Republic Ideals. What is the difference? The difference is Capitalism. Capitalism embedded with Laissez Faire and Entrepreneurship, fast forward is the Stock Market. Too bad the Founding Fathers did not have time to see the Stock Market. The Stock Market enriched members of the presumed Ruling Class. How else could one enter the Political Arena with assets worth pennies but accrue and leave with assets worth Millions.

The Founding Fathers created a Republic, not a Democracy, and they knew the word and concept in 1776. It appears that Democrats have a Dossier with Country’s form of Government as a Democracy. Said Dossier might even contain verbiage on how to convert the Republic to Democratic Socialism. Years ago in school, History and Political Science Professors would consider talk of “Democratic Socialism”, on the level of Treason, High Crimes, and misdemeanors. In essence, impeachment material.

Wasteful talk of Impeaching the 45th President of Country is just that. Would you turn in a Paper without Footnote or strong Argument to your Political Science or History professor? Perhaps you would but then the Grade would be predictable, an F.

Democrats spent three (3) years embroiled in ridiculous issues. Democrats in effect took an in-place sabbatical with the intent of sabotaging the Trump administration. The Democrats signaled intent not to participate in Governing and were comfortable with accomplishing nothing. The Democrats were talking heads engaged in discussions about the inconsequential. They engaged in actions Void of Professionalism and Public Service.

To Democrats who plan to mourn the loss of the Presidential Election of 2020, take your Time Card on the way out. No absentee ballots allowed on any Bill. Your vote will be confiscated and counted with the votes of the Republicans. Let us move forward with the business of Governing. If Democrats choose not to be present then do not send the spook along. The Republicans will show you.

Losing the Presidential Election of 2020 will be a rebuke of Democrats (alias Democratic) by the voters. Democrats will not obtain residency in the White House for a minimum of Sixteen (16) years after the Presidential Election of 2024. In fact, they might not earn admittance forever and a Day. By then the “Democratic Socialists” will have relocated.

After POTUS second Term, current Vice president will step-up and begin Sixteen (16) years of Republican residency in the White House. Democrats will not remember the address – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C., 20003.

Before the ink dries or the electronic data is saved consistent with the Tabulation of the Votes, the current Administration will get back to work. Country has unfinished Business and the Voters will decide he is the best Person for the Job. For too long Country went in the wrong direction. Now it is time to change course. The Election will be a Landslide victory like Reagan, and over before night begins on the “Coast” (The East Coast).

The Administration will resume work on key issues facing our nation: Unemployment, Manufacturing Jobs, Deficit and Debt, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, Declining morality and Trustworthiness by our elected officials, Campaign Financing, Pakistan, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Uprising in the Middle East, Turmoil in Africa, inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea, and growing friction with China.


Unemployment will improve, when USMCA is implemented and the cockamamie NAFTA philosophy is tossed. High Unemployment will go away when our Manufacturing Jobs return. Unemployment will improve when corporations off shoring manufacturing and Technology Jobs to India and China pay a Tax as opposed to receiving incentives. Nothing less will stop the hemorrhage of jobs. Unemployment is a sore. Applying a band-aid in the form of stimulus initiatives, as was the approach of the previous Administration will not heal this sore.

Manufacturing Jobs:

The loss of Manufacturing Jobs is the basis for our economic woes. Those jobs went off shore. The loss of Manufacturing Jobs created displaced workers who could not pay their mortgages or purchase goods and services. To suggest that the workers most of whom have a High School Diploma (there is no such thing as High School Degree) and between the age of 50 and 70 should go to Community Colleges and re-train is adding insult to injury. It is also undemocratic and inconsistent with the ideals of the Republic

There was a time when everything was made in the USA. Of course not exclusively but if, you wanted the American brand you could find it. Prior to POTUS arrival nothing or very little was. Some merchandise (example Dress Shirts) if not made in the Western Hemisphere, is not worth buying. Yes, actively read labels to see where products are made. Finally, we have a President who understands that Country and Empire will only be great if there is a manufacturing base.

Deficit and Debt:

Politicians have demonstrated that the Deficit is less important than Tax cuts. Tax cuts for the affluent is more important than helping fellow Americans in need. Quite candidly, politicians talking about deficit are engaged in a façade. It is merely tongue and cheek chatter because they created the deficit. The deficit be damned, we the politicians are obligated to repay our campaign contributors. Some politicians are human Leopards. They cannot change their spots. The voters are not important. Their pledge to America is a charade. Running for public office is no longer a pledge to serve the people but rather a scheme to get rich.

Since the financial crisis of 2008, Deficit and Debt affected Local, and State governments. Individuals, Cities, States, Country, and the World are on a deficit to Debt path. Quite candidly, with the exception of China a country manufacturing things, one could argue that all countries are in one of two categories – Declared or Undeclared Debt. However, POTUS is determined to change that malady.

The impact of Deficit to Debt on individuals is a bottomless pit of continued high unemployment, Foreclosures, astronomical credit card debt, and the increasing inability of decent human beings to afford necessities. At the same time, Local and State governments are increasing taxes but reducing the quality of services and contribution to Education. States that are in the Declared Debt category are CT, NY, OH, and CA. Others will declare soon.

The trend is reversible. However, it has to be done constructively and not by politicians running around like chicken without heads spewing vitriol or seeking to take away the right of unions to engage in Collective Bargaining. Neither will it be resolved by recklessly slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens. Slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens will create the condition of two wrongs does not make a right.

In this world of unrest and citizens demanding actual Democracy as opposed to lip service of the ideology, slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens could be a recipe for disaster. The recipe and the meal could be on exhibit at a State near you.

Illegal Immigration:

Illegal immigration is a Trojan horse with the sides exposed. In essence, it is transparent and the occupants are visible. We cannot continue to ignore Illegal Immigration. Any consideration of Amnesty for individuals in country illegally, is the equivalent of allowing an invasion. An invasion condones importing criminals, Terrorists, and foreign diseases. Changing current Immigration Laws to accommodate invaders will demonstrate disrespect for citizens, the children of fallen soldiers, and legal immigrants. Employing illegal immigrants at low wages and ignoring unemployed citizens is wrong. Illegal immigrants at low wages are temporary and unsustainable. Think about it, are you doing the same job that your parents did? Do you seriously think that the children of illegal immigrants will or want to? If not, then what.

Illegal immigrants in low wage occupation will not affect you. However, your children and Great Grandchildren will be competing with the descendants of illegal immigrants in the workplace. Consistently, the 14th Amendment MUST be amended. The 14th Amendment where it allows for the preposterous Anchor baby must be revised otherwise it will ultimately disenfranchise children born of Legal Permanent residents, Naturalized, and Natural born citizens.

The simple required amendment to the 14th Amendment should read as follows:

You are a citizen if and only if your mother or Father was a Legal Permanent resident or a Naturalized citizen, or a Natural born citizen prior to your conception.


I am in favor of abortion and the woman’s right to choose. However, I am not in favor of State sponsored abortion except in cases of Rape and Incest. Even then, I am only in favor of abortion before the end of the 1st Trimester (3 months).

Declining Morality by our elected officials:

Social Media is beneath the standards that Politicians should maintain. Politicians should not participate in such trite, trivia, and frivolity. Congressman Weiner’s experience is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Congressman Weiner was the first of many who had their reputation and integrity ruined by tweeting. Politics and Social media are at separate ends of the civics spectrum. You can try to mix oil and water if you wish but unless you are, Winston Churchill with the intent to light a fire to destroy the Germans and Japanese at Sea you will burn like Congressman Weiner. I do not subscribe to the expectations that our politicians should be Lilly white. However, while in office conduct should be beyond reproach.

 Campaign Financing:

The political campaign process is flawed. Fund raising has eliminated the common person from participation in our Republic. The television Network media has kidnapped the Election process. Hence, the price or investment tag has become astronomical and well above the pay grade of most academically accomplished and capable citizens.

Money or the access to it has become the significant criteria. In addition, survival of character assassination is now the final frontier. Ability and love of country is irrelevant. Character assassination would have eliminated many of our Founding fathers from participation in our Republic. Jefferson with all his financial debt would not have a chance to run for the Presidency.

The political system has become Selective rather than Elective. Political incumbents have succeeded in persuading the masses to believe in the nebulous concept of Electability and Name recognition. Electability does not equate to performance. Having your father’s name does not mean you are like him, or as capable, or that you can predict performance. Voters are being fed ineptitude wrapped in Electability and seasoned with “Name Recognition”.

It is flawed thinking to conclude that one candidate has more experience than the other does as a Presidential Candidate. No one has experience dealing with the evolving issues of the world. A candidate’s ability to deal with International issues can be determined during the campaign. Course a candidate must know the difference between Country and Continent.

Candidates now claim to bring change to the Table, including change in the form of a woman or black. Given such prospects one would still be required to prove what change and for whom. The question is will this change be effective in dealing with the key issues.

Because of the flawed political campaign process, No longer is every citizen born with the potential to become President of the USA. There is a greater potential that a child born in the USA will be a soldier, sent to a foreign country in defense of some cockamamie philosophy, and return in a body bag. The irony is a soldier fortunate to escape the ultimate sacrifice still has very little chance of being President of the USA because odds are he or she will not get noticed by the selection committee of the political parties – Republican or Democrat. Even after risking their lives in defense of our nation, veterans are experiencing challenges from Housing to Medical.


The Government of Pakistan has all but abdicated its responsibility to rule. Benazir Bhutto is quaking in her grave. Pakistan is a volcano ready to erupt. Any attempt to refute the reality on the ground is simply denial.

Pakistan military assets are in danger of being confiscated. That is the objective of Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists. NATO forces should prepare for the impact of this eventuality. Power ill gotten is not sustainable. Monetary aid to Pakistan is a waste of money. Money better spent on the economic needs of the Republic. Charity begins at home.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Leaving Iraq was a mistake. I hope there is a contingency plan to return. Iraq will not be stable anytime soon. The challenge is how stable is unstable. What levels of instability in Iraq will be acceptable. If Israel peaceful existence is threatened by instability in Iraq, then what. Remember Iran borders Iraq.

Winning the war in Afghanistan is necessary. Comments to the contrary by Russian and International card-carrying members of the Truce society, is not an option. Since Genghis khan Truce has not worked in Afghanistan.

Action delayed will be resolution denied. NATO forces must cleanse the Swat Valley and southeastern Afghanistan of Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists to win this war. NATO forces must be relentless. NATO forces must cease conducting Police action and Training. You cannot have a police call in the military before you create the trash. If NATO forces have forgotten how to create high-density debris, then they need to consult the World War II playbook.

This conflict will get unavoidably messy, but action delayed will be resolution denied. Multi-tasking is not a strong attribute of warfare. Forget about the civilian involvement and Journalists crowding the stage. Confront the enemy, defeat the enemy, and then how may we help. Perhaps we will help but maybe we will not.

Uprising in the Middle East:

The Governments of the Arabic speaking countries in the Middle East will change. The question is how much change and what kind. Citizens have been suffering for decades and finally arrived at the breaking point, as in Syria. History has shown that there is a limit to how much the human spirit will take. Even from the days of Anwar Sadat, there were signs that the Egyptians were not exactly “walking like an Egyptian”.

There will not be peace in the Middle East between Israel and the Arab countries anytime soon. The only solution for peace between Israel and Palestinians might be to divide the land. Dividing the Land is an option since Lord Balfour promised Israel and the Palestinians the same parcel of Land in 1951. Israel will consider that option but the Palestinians might not be interested. How do we resolve this impasse? That is a Zillion dollar question. Are you available for assignment?

People in the Middle East have evolved beyond the days of Monarchy and Military rule.  It is time for the development of Governments, and the building and completion of a democratic path forward that will transform countries into Civilian rule supported by a military for security.

Uprising in the Middle East will have a good ending for Country and the International community. The people in the Middle East know that the international community is on their side based on demonstration of support for their cause. This will change their thinking about Americans. No regime in the Middle East will be immune from uprising. As long as the International Community shows their humane side, the hearts and minds of the Arabic people will change. They will know that the International Community gets it. We know they want change starting with the departure of Autocracy and Military rule.

Turmoil in Africa:

The Libyan uprising was a small portion of Turmoil on the African Continent. I stress continent for the benefit of politicians who probably still believe Africa is a country. The Sudan, South Africa, Tunisia, Botswana, Liberia, Somalia, and the Ivory Coast are countries with issues that must be resolved sooner than later and there are others.

Most politicians have no idea where these countries are or anything about their History. Therefore, it is unlikely that they will ever have any constructive approach to resolutions.

Inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea:

Silence is golden but also revealing. Iran has not given up their quest to destroy Israel. Iran is unfinished business since 1979. Thanks very much to the worst President in my lifetime, the honorable Jimmy Carter. The Iranian regime is not going away. Wishing on a star or burying your head in the sand like an Ostrich will not resolve the issue. Anyone who thought that Iran was building nuclear plants for Energy purposes is in denial. If the international community fails to act, then Israel will. It is not if but when and how Israel will act. The Iranian regime will be monitoring.

North Korea is a run-away child running wild in search of attention, which undoubtedly becomes a distraction from more important matters as Afghanistan and the need to respond to Piracy off the coast of Somalia. North Korea has decided that it will defiantly stomp its missiles until wants are provided. The only problem is, those wants have not been articulated to the international community. The public assumes that they would like to be a Nuclear power, which unless they are able to win the sub-plot to World War III they will not achieve.

The Armistice of 1953 should be rendered null and void, restart the Korean War, and soundly defeat the crackpot regime. The scenario reminds me of a Nursery Rhyme with a little bit of a twist. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot 67 years old. That maybe a harsh analysis but first impression is usually right. The civilized world may have to revise the map of the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea will strike against South Korea militarily, it is more likely than not. North Korea will open a Pandora’s Box whose lid would have been better kept closed. However, the occurrence, which appears inevitable, will serve, as a reminder to the International community, that Action delayed is resolution denied.

The growing friction with China:

The Chinese are stockpiling oil and buying up any interest in fossil fuel, in countries such as Burma and on the African continent. Did you know that the Chinese are building a military facility in Brazil? Did you hear that the Architect who built the Twin Towers built “The World Financial Center” in Shanghai? A significant number of our manufacturing and Technology Jobs were off shored to China and corporations are receiving tax incentives for their valor.

Will your politician have the ability to review, articulate, and engender a constructive response. Surely, you do not suppose that those developments are mere coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidence.

The Priorities of POTUS moving forward should be: Unemployment, Manufacturing Jobs, Deficit and Debt, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, Declining morality by our elected officials, Campaign Financing, Pakistan, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Uprising in the Middle East, Turmoil in Africa, inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea, and growing friction with China.


Telegram Today


The Results of the 2020 Presidential Election are in, NO VOTING REQUIRED. The Democrats are mourning the defeat and POTUS signs another Four Year Lease in the White House. Country has unfinished Business and the Voters determined he is the best Person. For too long Country went in the wrong direction. Now it is time to change course. The Election was a Landslide victory much like Reagan and over before, night began on the “Coast


Claims of Russian involvement in the Presidential Election of 2016 and surveillance of the Trump transition Team were Side Shows. Wasteful talk of Impeachment was just that.

Democrats spent years embroiled on those issues. Democrats in effect took an in-place sabbatical with the intent of sabotaging the Trump administration. The Democrats signaled intent not to participate in Governing and were comfortable with accomplishing nothing. The electorate was tossed to the wayside. The Democrats were talking heads engulf in discussions about the inconsequential.

My fellow Americans had no interest in claims of Russian involvement in the Presidential Election of 2016 or surveillance of the Trump transition Team. The American people were anxious to have their needs addressed: Health care, Jobs, Tax cuts, crumbling Infrastructure, the Murdering of our Children by Illegal Immigrants through violence and Non-violent acts.

Illegal Immigrants are murdering our Children on the street with Guns and in some cases Machete. Illegal Immigrants are murdering our Children with the distribution of narcotics. Our defenseless young people are under attack and the Liberal Democrats are avoiding and ignoring the reality. Instead, they continue to conduct themselves like bobble – head dolls and engage in inconsequential discussions.

There is a quiet and soon to be loud war being conducted on our Young people by Illegal Immigrants through violence. They are killing our Young people one by one. These acts are not incidental it is part of a concerted effort. We need to get these Illegal Immigrants and Gangs out of country. This is a serious matter and demands immediate attention.

Our young people are being targeted and introduced to opioids that have high addictive properties. Our young people are dying in alarming numbers. This is a serious development. Our descendants and potential future Leaders are being killed openly and surreptitiously. This is a serious matter and demands immediate attention.

The 2008 – 2016 administration ignored the situation. I hope the current administration pay attention and devote resources to eradicate. I also hope that the talking heads Democrats will join in this effort. If Democrats fail to participate in large numbers individuals who do not should be Repealed and Replaced.

How did the Russians interfere with the Presidential Election of 2016? Did they change the programming of the Voting machines? Did the Russians sneak into homes the night before the election, threaten the electorate, and command them to vote for Trump? Is there a citizen who had a visit from the KGB on the night before the election and summarily commanded to vote for Trump or risk being sent to Siberia the day after? If so, step forward and announce. The Democrats would like to hear from you.

To Democrats who plan to mourn losing the Presidential Election of 2016 and 2020, leave your Time Card in the rack on the way out. No absentee ballot allowed on any Bill. Your vote will be confiscated and counted alongside the votes of the Republican Party. Let us move forward with the business of Governing.

The key issues facing our nation now and beyond are: Unemployment, Manufacturing Jobs, Deficit and Debt, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, Declining morality by our elected officials, Campaign Financing, Pakistan, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Uprising in the Middle East, Turmoil in Africa, inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea, and growing friction with China.


Unemployment will be reduced, when the cockamamie NAFTA philosophy is tossed. High Unemployment will go away when our Manufacturing Jobs return. Unemployment will be reduced when corporations offshoring manufacturing and Technology Jobs to India and China are taxed as opposed to receiving incentives. Nothing less will stop the hemorrhage of jobs. Unemployment is a sore. Applying a band-aid in the form of stimulus initiatives, as was the approach of the previous Administration will not heal this huge sore.

A tax cut for the Affluent to get limited employment benefits for the poor was unconscionable. It is fine to be rich and right to want to be rich. Unfortunately, no country has ever stayed rich when the number of people in poverty increases. A quick check is look at Haiti. Meaningful tax cuts must include poor people.

Manufacturing Jobs:

Bring back our Manufacturing sector. The loss of Manufacturing Jobs is the basis for our economic woes. Those jobs went off shore. The loss of Manufacturing Jobs created displaced workers who cannot pay their mortgages or purchase goods and services. To suggest that the workers most of whom have a High School Diploma and between the age of 50 and 70 should go to Community Colleges and re-train is adding insult to injury. It is also undemocratic because you are taking their choice away.

There was a time when everything was made in the USA. Prior to POTUS arrival nothing or very little was. What can we do about that, you say. Simply refuse to purchase the merchandise not made in the USA. Personally, if the merchandise is not made in the Western Hemisphere, I do not buy. Yes, I actively read the labels to see where the product is manufactured. Finally, we have a President who understands that Country and Empire will only be great if there is a manufacturing base.

Deficit and Debt:

Politicians have demonstrated that the Deficit is less important than Tax cuts. Tax cuts for the affluent is more important than helping fellow Americans in need. Quite candidly, politicians talking about deficit and the size thereof are engaged in a façade. It is merely tongue and cheek chatter because they created the deficit. The deficit be damned, we the politicians are obligated to repay our campaign contributors. Some politicians are human Leopards. They cannot change their spots. The voters are not important. Their pledge to America is a charade. I thought that if you ran for public office the understanding was you were making a pledge to serve the people.

Since the financial crisis of 2008, Deficit and Debt affected Local, and State governments. Individuals, Cities, States, Country, and the World are on a deficit to Debt path. Quite candidly, with the exception of China a country manufacturing things, one could argue that all countries are in one of two categories – Declared or Undeclared Debt.

The impact of Deficit to Debt on individuals is a bottomless pit of continued high unemployment, Foreclosures, astronomical credit card debt, and the increasing inability of decent human beings to afford necessities. At the same time, Local and State governments are increasing taxes but reducing the quality of services and contribution to Education. States that are in the Declared Debt category are CT, NY, OH, and CA. Others will declare soon.

The trend is reversible. However, it has to be done constructively and not by politicians running around like chicken without heads spewing vitriol or seeking to take away the right of unions to engage in Collective Bargaining. Neither will it be resolved by recklessly slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens. Frankly, slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens could create the age-old condition of two wrongs does not make a right.

In this world of unrest and citizens demanding actual Democracy as opposed to lip service of the ideology, slashing and eliminating programs that benefit citizens could be a recipe for disaster. The recipe and the meal could be on exhibit at a State near you.

Illegal Immigration:

Illegal immigration is a Trojan horse with the sides exposed. In essence, it is transparent and the occupants are visible.

We cannot continue to ignore Illegal Immigration. Any consideration of Amnesty for individuals in country illegally is the equivalent of allowing an invasion. An invasion condones importing criminals, Terrorists, and foreign diseases. Changing current Immigration Laws to accommodate invaders will demonstrate disrespect for citizens, the children of fallen soldiers, and legal immigrants.

Employing illegal immigrants at low wages and ignoring unemployed citizens is wrong. Employing illegal immigrants at low wages is temporary and unsustainable. Think about it, are you doing the same job that your parents did? Do you seriously think that the children of illegal immigrants will? If not, then what.

Illegal immigrants in low wage occupation will not affect you. However, your children and Great Grandchildren will be competing with the descendants of illegal immigrants in the workplace. Consistently, the 14th Amendment MUST be amended. The 14th Amendment where it allows for the preposterous Anchor baby must be revised otherwise it will ultimately disenfranchise children born of Legal Permanent residents, Naturalized, and Natural born citizens.

The simple required amendment to the 14th Amendment should read as follows:

You are a citizen if and only if your mother was a Legal Permanent resident or a Naturalized citizen, or a Natural born citizen prior to your conception.

Prior to your conception means that at the time of your birth and the gestation period is determined and concluded your mother must have valid proof that she was a Legal Permanent resident or a Naturalized citizen, or a Natural born citizen prior to the commencement of said gestation period.

In essence, if it is determined by the medical community that your mother gave birth to you in 9 months, your mother MUST have been a Legal Permanent resident or a Naturalized citizen, or a Natural born citizen for more than 9 months before the date of your birth.


I am in favor of abortion and the woman’s right to choose. However, I am not in favor of State sponsored abortion except in cases of Rape and Incest. Even then, I am only in favor of abortion before the end of the 1st Trimester (3 months).

Declining morality by our elected officials:

Social Media is beneath the standards that Politicians should maintain. When I was a child, Politicians would not consider much less participate in such trite, trivia, and frivolity. Congressman Weiner’s experience is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Congressman Weiner was the first of many who had their reputation and integrity ruined by tweeting. Politics and Social media are at separate ends of the civics spectrum. You can try to mix oil and water if you wish but unless you are Winston Churchill with the intent to light a fire to destroy the Germans and Japanese on High seas you will burn like Congressman Weiner.

I do not subscribe to the expectations that our politicians should be Lilly white. However, while in office I expect your conduct to be beyond reproach.

Campaign Financing:

The political campaign process is flawed. Fund raising has eliminated the common person from participation in our Republic. The television Network media has kidnapped the Election process. Hence, the price or investment tag has become astronomical and well above the pay grade of most academically accomplished and capable citizens.

Money or the access to it has become the significant criteria. In addition, survival of character assassination is now the final frontier. Ability and love of country is irrelevant. Character assassination would have eliminated many of our Founding fathers from participation in our Republic. Jefferson with all his financial debt would not have a chance to run for President.

The political system has become Selective rather than Elective. Political incumbents have succeeded in persuading the masses to believe in the nebulous concept of Electability and Name recognition. Electability does not equate to performance. Having my father’s name does not mean I am like he, or as capable, or that you can predict my performance. Voters are being fed ineptitude wrapped in Electability and seasoned with “Name Recognition”.

It is flawed thinking to conclude that one candidate has more experience than the other does. No one has experience dealing with the evolving issues of the world. A candidate’s ability to deal with these issues can be determined during the campaign.

Candidates are now claiming to bring change to the Table, including change in the form of a woman or black. Given such an eventuality one would still be required to prove how good and for whom. The question is will this change be effective in dealing with the key issues.

Because of the flawed political campaign process, No longer is every citizen born with the potential to become President of the USA. There is a greater potential that a child born in the USA will be a soldier, sent to a foreign country in defense of some cockamamie philosophy, and return in a body bag. The irony is a soldier fortunate to escape the ultimate sacrifice still has very little chance of being President of the USA because odds are he or she will not get noticed by the selection committee of the political parties. Even after risking their lives in defense of our nation, veterans are experiencing all kinds of challenges from Housing to Medical.


The Government of Pakistan has all but abdicated its responsibility to rule. Benazir Bhutto is quaking in her grave. Pakistan is a volcano ready to erupt. Any attempt to refute the reality on the ground is simply denial.

Pakistan’s military assets are in danger of being confiscated. That is the objective of Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists. I envision an abbreviated life for the current Pakistani government. NATO forces had better prepare for the impact of this eventuality. Power ill gotten is not sustainable.

Monetary aid to Pakistan is a waste of money that can be better spent on economic needs of the Republic. Charity begins at home.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Leaving Iraq was a mistake and I hope we have a contingency plan to return. Iraq will not be stable anytime soon. The challenge is how stable is unstable in Iraq. What levels of instability in Iraq will be acceptable? If Israel’s peaceful existence is threatened by Iraq’s instability, then what? Remember Iran borders Iraq.

Winning the war in Afghanistan is necessary. Comments to the contrary by Russian and international card-carrying members of the Truce society, is not an option. Since Genghis khan Truce has not worked in Afghanistan.

Action delayed will be resolution denied. NATO forces must cleanse the Swat valley and southeastern Afghanistan of Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists to win this war. NATO forces must be relentless. NATO forces must cease conducting Police action and Training. You cannot have a police call in the military before you create the trash. If NATO forces have forgotten how to create high-density debris, then they need to consult the World War II playbook.

This conflict will get unavoidably messy, but action delayed will be resolution denied. Multi-tasking is not a strong attribute of warfare. Forget about the civilian involvement and Journalist crowding the stage. Confront the enemy, defeat the enemy, and then how may we help. Perhaps we will but then again maybe we will not.

Uprising in the Middle East:

The Governments of the Arabic speaking countries in the Middle East will change. The question is how much change and what kind. Citizens have been suffering for decades and finally arrived at the breaking point, as in Syria. History has shown that there is a limit to how much the human spirit will take. Even from the days of Anwar Sadat, there were signs that the Egyptians were not exactly “walking like an Egyptian”.

There will not be any peace in the Middle East between Israel and the Arab countries anytime soon. The only solution for peace between Israel and Palestinians may be to split the land. I consider this option because Lord Balfour promised Israel and the Palestinians the same parcel of Land in 1951. Israel will consider that option, but the Palestinians might not be interested. How do we resolve this impasse, only God knows?

People in the Middle East have evolved beyond the days of Monarchy and Military rule.  It is time for the development of Governments, and the building and completion of a democratic path forward that will transform countries into Civilian rule supported by a military for security.

Uprising in the Middle East will have a good ending for the United States and the International community. The people in the Middle East know that the international community is on their side based on demonstration of support for their cause. This will change their thinking about Americans. No regime in the Middle East will be immune from uprising. As long as Americans show a human side, the hearts and minds of the Arabic people will change. They know that Americans get it. We know that they want change now, starting with the departure of Autocracy and Military rule.

Turmoil in Africa:

The Libyan uprising was but a small portion of Turmoil on the African Continent. I stress continent for the benefit of politicians who probably still believe Africa is a country. The Sudan, South Africa, Tunisia, Botswana, Liberia, Somalia, and the Ivory Coast are countries with issues that must be resolved sooner than later and there are others.

Most politicians have no idea where these countries are or anything about their History. Therefore, it is not likely that they have or will ever have any constructive approach to resolutions.

Inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea:

Silence is golden but also revealing. Iran has not given up their quest to destroy Israel, quite the contrary. Iran is unfinished business. Thanks very much to the worst President in my lifetime, the honorable Jimmy Carter. The Iranian regime is not going away. Wishing on a star or burying your head in the sand like an Ostrich will not resolve the issue. Anyone who thought that Iran was building nuclear plants for Energy purposes is in denial. If the international community fails to act, then Israel will. It is not if but when and how Israel will act. The Iranian regime will be monitoring.

North Korea is a run-away child running wild in search of attention, which undoubtedly becomes a distraction from more important matters as Afghanistan and the need to respond to Piracy off the coast of Somalia. North Korea has decided that it will defiantly stomp its missiles until wants are provided. The only problem is, those wants have not been articulated publicly to the world community. The public assumes that they would like to be a Nuclear power, which unless they are able to win the sub-plot to World War III they will not achieve.

Frankly, I think we should render the Armistice of 1953 null and void, restart the Korean War, and soundly defeat the crackpot regime for the last time. The scenario reminds me of a Nursery Rhyme with a little bit of a twist. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot 63 years old. That maybe a harsh analysis but my first impression is usually right and only incorrect if I rethink. The civilized world may have to revise the map of the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea will strike against South Korea militarily, it is more likely than not. North Korea will open a Pandora’s Box whose lid would have been better kept closed. However, the occurrence, which appears inevitable, will serve, as a reminder to the world community, that Action delayed is resolution denied.

The growing friction with China:

Did you know that the Chinese are stockpiling oil and buying up any interest in fossil fuel, in countries such as Burma and on the African continent? Did you hear that the Chinese are building some military looking facility in Brazil? Did you hear that the Architect who built the Twin Towers built “The World Financial Center” in China? A significant number of our manufacturing and Technology Jobs were off shored to China and corporations are receiving tax incentives for their valor.

Will your politician have the ability to review, articulate, and engender a constructive response. Surely, you do not suppose that all the above are mere coincidence. If you do, then let me remind you that there is no such thing as coincidence.

The key issues facing our nation now and beyond are: Unemployment, Manufacturing Jobs, Deficit and Debt, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, Declining morality by our elected officials, Campaign Financing, Pakistan, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Uprising in the Middle East, Turmoil in Africa, inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea, and growing friction with China.


Telegram Today


The Presidential Campaign Circus is back. The caravan of vehicles, from Bentleys to Wagon wheels, is back in the neighborhoods soliciting votes. The presidential campaign process with its apparent need to raise astronomical funds to participate, has eliminated qualified and capable individuals from participation in our Republic.

Qualified citizens must pay to participate in the civic growth and progress of the Republic. If we are to move forward as a successful nation, we must reconstruct the political participation landscape. What does raising money have to do with the ability to Govern? Unfortunately, the media has succeeded in giving the impression that there is a correlation. The truth is the media benefit by invoicing the candidates for coverage and at the end of the process; the voters pay for undeliverable.

Money or access has become a significant criterion. Survival of character assassination is now the first frontier. Ability and love of the Republic is irrelevant. The current political climate froth with character assassination would have eliminated many of our Founding fathers from participation in our Republic.

The political system has become Selective rather than Elective. Political incumbents have succeeded in persuading the masses to believe in the nebulous concept of Electability and Name recognition. Electability does not equate to performance. Having my father’s name does not mean I am like he, or as capable, or that you can predict my performance. Voters are being fed ineptitude wrapped in Electability and seasoned with “Name Recognition”.

It is flawed thinking to conclude, that one candidate has more experience than the other. If you have never been President, how can you have experience? No one has experience dealing with the evolving issues of the world. A candidate’s ability to deal with the issues in the Middle East and not disenfranchising Israel can be determined during the campaign. Any peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians that include reference to 1967 are a non-starter. To be honest, anyone who echoes concern about the aftermath of each uprising in the Middle East and appear to be oblivious to the gravity of the actions on the street is not qualified to deal with the issues.

The Presidential Campaign, especially the Democrat Debates is a distraction. The Debates are a distraction from real world issues and National concerns. A DISTRACTION, from Domestic and International issues.

No election, Political party, or singular economic philosophy will resolve the financial crisis of 2008, the unemployment condition created by NAFTA, or the failed Health Care policy. Time, focus, concentration, new ideas, and new people in Washington D.C. will move The Republic in the right direction and fix problems. This is precisely why we need Term Limits for members of congress. We do not need candidates running for the Presidential office everyday. We need politicians who do not solicit votes to be elected, and then legislate on issues to satisfy the interest of lobbyists or campaign contributors.

You cannot teach old dogs new tricks. If you put Lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig. People, Philosophies, and Ideologies do not change. While it is not how you start but rather how you finish, History has proven that start does matter with respect to political and International relations. If you begin by saying, Africa is a Country; the Postman will not be able to deliver the Telegram.

Most Countries in the West are experiencing Fiscal deficits because Expenses are greater than Revenue. The knee jerk reaction of some politicians is that expenses must be reduced, with no consideration to increasing revenue. The unfortunate truth is that in times of world economic plight and blight any attempt to focus solely on reducing expenses will create additional hardships on the already suffering population.

It is wrong to support Fiscal mismanagement, and it is wrong to attempt correction and irresponsibility on the backs of the poor. Two wrongs have never made a right. Fixing National deficits on the backs of the poor will create unrest similar to that in the Middle East.

Simply put, if Revenue is 100 Billion and Expenses are 150 Billion then we have a deficit of 50 Billion. Fixing the deficit by reducing expenses by 50 Billion seems like a logical action but that could create an issue. Eliminating expenses means eliminating programs. Eliminating programs will mean eliminating jobs at some level. Governments cannot afford to contribute to the level of unemployment when citizens are expecting them to be part of the solution. Government and Private Business is either part of the problem or part of the solution. Fortunately, POTUS is on the right Tracks Domestically and Internationally.

The fiscal responsible response to correcting national Deficits is a combination of reducing expenses, increasing revenue, and further searching the details of expenses to find and eliminate useless items. Frankly, studying the domestication of Squirrels is useless.

Increasing the deficit ceiling will only create an atmosphere that presumes continued deficits are not a serious matter. Continued deficits must be curtailed, if there is a genuine interest in addressing National debt. A national deficit is the equivalent of a battle but National Debt is a war.

Increasing the debt ceiling is analogous to raising your credit limit at the company store to spend more knowing very well, that you are having issues making the payment on the previous limit. The only accomplishment from such action is the debt getting older and deeper.

Which of the participants in the Debates can handle the following?

Unemployment, Manufacturing Jobs, Deficit and Debt, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, Declining morality by our elected officials, Campaign Financing, Pakistan, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Uprising in the Middle East, Turmoil in Africa, inevitable conflict with Iran and North Korea, and growing friction with China.

I say none. What do you think?



Telegram Today



The Arab Islamic American summit, convened by king Salman and President Trump was a success. This new initiative to eradicate Terrorism is truly a Partnership of Civilizations. President Trump expedition to visit the three largest monotheistic religions on his maiden international trip is an unparalleled concoction of diplomacy. To plan and execute a trip that includes a visit to the epicenter of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity is truly deep thinking. It proves that successful Businessmen make good Presidents. There is only one other President who could contrive such a successful trip and that would be Potus.

Career politicians in Washington, would not have a prayers chance of conceiving such a trip let alone executing. Politicians who believe their umbilical cord is tied to the Presidency, not to mention the puppets who believe certain Democrats have an inherent right to lead them, could not accomplish this feat even in their dreams. The previous administration lacked the vision required to concoct an Arab Islamic American summit let alone achieving the results.

Consistent with lack of vision, I do not recall anyone electing a Politician to go to Egypt and apologize for America. It will take a miracle for the Democrats to admit they were hoodwinked for eight years. Simultaneously, the pulpits in the hood will probably not recover from their failed promotion regarding the candidate of choice in the Presidential election of 2008. I believe that the Pastors in the local communities were as anxious as the leaders of the International community, to begin the Trump Era.

Members of the swamp in Washington have yet to recognize that lecturing foreign Governments will not work. Imposing your way of life on Countries with distinct cultures is a foolish approach. No one is buying stop selling. That is why Potus is selling weapons and Technology. Fact is our founding Fathers did not create a Democracy. They created a Republic. Remember, “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God with Liberty and justice for all”.

The founding Fathers wanted Liberty and Freedom for all. You can do Liberty and Freedom without being a Democracy. If the Democrats and Mainstream media understood what Democracy meant, they would not be trying to engineer a coup d’état. Democracy means of the People, For the People, and By the People. The People voted, stop trying to undo the Presidential Election of 2016. Members of the previous Administration have no more right to lead than Potus. From my perspective, Potus has accomplished more in four months than the previous Administration did in eight years or could ever do in eighty years. The previous Administration left Country in a mess domestically and internationally that even Potus with a construction background is going to be hard press to clean up. In the interim, Country will very likely be engaged in three wars.

To the Democrats and Mainstream media do you know the definition of a fool? It is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results. Emasculating Male leaders of State and strumming the faces of Female leaders by lecturing and trying to impose Democracy, will accomplish nothing. Potus approach is the right way forward. You convince Leaders by emphasizing common goals and objectives. You suggest and recommend but let them make the decision to change their social practices and conduct. You have to let Leaders believe that change is their decision. You employ reverse psychology to bring about desired goals. It is the Art of partnership.

The presumed common goals of the Leaders of all countries are Peace, Security, and Prosperity for all citizens. Potus and the Secretary of State are emphasizing and nurturing these common goals. Eventually some will accept the values of Country, others will not. It is better to be pragmatic and deal with the world as it is. Idiotic members of congress who maintain dogmatic positions, will fail in their efforts to change foreign leaders and jeopardize the success of Country.

Changing hearts and minds of leaders will be an incidental occurrence, at the right time, and only when they are ready. When you push or continuously harp, you lose audience. When you push too hard, you will be viewed as a bully. When you exhibit the characteristic of a bully, you will get one of two reactions, confrontation or flee. Neither result is of benefit to Country. Country needs positive and not negative results. Country needs to engage the rest of the world in win win win exercises. For example: Saudi Arabia gets weapons, America gets money, and Americans and Saudis get Jobs.

Idiotic members of congress and mainstream media need to understand that Country fighting with Saudi Arabia about Human Rights is a coming attraction. Maybe it will be at a theater near you and maybe it will not. The only movie my fellow Americans want to see is “Jobs”. That movie has a significant take away. On the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood, that is a battle for another day. Simultaneously, moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will be a better decision in the proverbial tomorrow.

My take away from the stop in Saudi Arabia is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in danger from Iran. Consequently, it is in their interest to engage Country. In addition, unifying into the entity Gulf Cooperation Countries, Saudi Arabia increases its ability to defend against any Iranian attack short of nuclear.

My take away from the stop in Israel is Prime Minister Netanyahu, is probably feeling the pressure to be the leader that returns the Capital of Israel to Jerusalem. Equally important, he would like to make peace with the Palestinians but he is not convinced it is possible. I am inclined to share his pessimism.

The stop at the Vatican will ultimately be inconsequential. The visit was symbolic and ceremonial. The Pope is passive consistent with the protocol of Catholicism and Potus is an active and determined President. Potus see that action is required to eradicate extremists. The Pope is naïve and believes the Bible and prayers alone will prevail. The Pope needs to remember that God conducted some serious battles against evil. If the philosophy of the Pope is considered a strategy to confront terror, more people will suffer and some will die. The Pope’s Bible and Olive branch approach will not work.

The Pope’s Bible and Olive branch approach to evil was the reason why the Carter Presidency was a failure. The Carter Presidency left us Iran as a legacy. There is a glaring resemblance of the Carter Presidency to that of the previous administration. Both left us Iran as a dangerous legacy. The Democratic Party and their Administrations since 1976 are responsible for all the failed and lingering International policies. Failed International policies including but not limited to NAFTA, North Korea, Iran, Libya, and a list of others are responsible for the woes of Country.

Democrats criticize Potus for not having an International policy or strategy but the sad truth is they have none. Historically the Democrats have been void of sound policies domestically and internationally, unless you have the inclination to define the “Libya Debacle” as a sound International policy. Domestically, NAFTA is the basis for loss of Manufacturing Jobs and economic woes.

The Democratic Party is in a funk that having them as part of the Government is threatening the security of Country. The minority leader of the Senate is engaging in behavior consistent with Coup D’état. There are people in Washington who consider themselves members of a Political class. Therefore, Potus is not qualified to be President. Those who echo that sentiment are simply legends in their own mind. Their sole interest is themselves in disguise that they represent the people. The people voted for Trump but they the Political class disagrees with the choice. As a result, they are willing to be obstructionists for the next four years and suppress the will of the people.

I would rather see the Businessman who became a Politician try to move Country forward than have a career politician continue the stagnation and the decline created by the previous administration. Democratic members of the house of Representatives especially the minority leader and her cronies cannot remember which country is associated with specific issues. That indicates that such ignoramuses do not have a clue where the respective countries are on the Globe. If you do not know where a country is then it is unlikely that you can concoct a plan to address an issue. Said Democrats are likely to tell you that Africa or the Middle East is a country. Such obfuscation is the best that the “Progressives” can offer.

Potus has substantive plans for country. He is offering a vision and not dreams that will not come through. A vision of what the world should be. A world filled with ideas and the sharing thereof between people and nations. Out of many nations, one world. A world filled with Peace, Security, and Prosperity.